Events calendar


19 May 2019

Hrudayasangamam a unique event of Heart Care Foundation were the patients’ undergone coronary Bypass Surgery/other procedures have an opportunity to interact with doctors, dietician and other paramedical staff along with their families. This year’s Hrudayasangamam was held on Sunday May 19, 2019 at Lisie Hospital Auditorium, beginning at 10.00 am. After the registration at the designated counter the patients along with their families assembled at the auditorium.


The proceedings of the first session began with the Welcome/Introduction address by Dr.Jose Chacko Periapuram Chairman,Heart Care Foundation. This was followed by a detailed presentation by Dr. Jo Joseph, Trustee, Heart Care Foundation on ‘Heart disease- how to live with it’.After the lively presentation by Dr. Jo, Dr. Nisha, Dietician and Professor of nutrition St.Theresas College & Governing Council member spoke on ‘Healthy eating’. At this point it was time for the official function of Hrudayasangamam 2019 to commence. The Chief Guest, the Awardee of Social Excellence Award of the foundation along with other guests and council members were welcomed and seated in the places allotted to them.


The official function commenced with formal welcome address by Dr. Jose Chacko Periyapuram, Chairman. Moving away from the customary style the Chief Guest and the guests of honor were presented with books instead of floral bouquets. This was followed by the presidential address by Fr. Thomas Vaikathuparambil Director, Lisie Hospital. In his address he was very appreciative of the work done by Dr. Jose Chacko and his colleagues along with the Heart Care Foundation in looking after the needs of poor heart patients. After the presidential address His Eminence Mar George Cardinal Alancherry delivered the inaugural speech, in his inaugural address he touched upon the services provided by doctors and paramedical staff in the field of cardiology. While he urged the doctors to continue their noble and selfless service, he requested the persons working in this field not to fall for commercialization. Cardinal also congratulated the Awardee and appreciated the contribution made by her in the field of medical education. Subsequently, Dr, Jacob Abraham Trustee Heart Care Foundation introduced the Awardee of the Social Excellence Award instituted in the name of Mr. C V Shanmugan Founder Trustee of the Foundation. In his brief introduction of the Awardee Dr. Jacob listed the major achievements of Dr.Remla Beevi A, Director, Medical Education who has been chosen for the award this year. After the introduction His Eminence Mar George Cardinal Alencherry presented the awardee with the gold Medallion. Dr.Jose Chacko then read the citation to be awarded to the awardee and His Eminence presented the citation to Dr.Remla Beevi .After receiving the Social Excellence award consisting of gold medallion and the citation Dr Remla Beevi A delivered her acceptance speech. In her speech she took the audience through some of her major achievements during her official career spanning 35 long years. She also touched upon the hurdles she had to face while implementing some of the major projects. She took time to thank the almighty and her family in supporting her all through her career. She also thanked Heart Care Foundation for nominating her for the Social Excellence Award 2019. This was followed by felicitation by Dr. Junaid Rehman, President, Indian Medical Association (IMA) and by Mr. Binu Jose Head-Enterprise Business of Vodafoneidea Kerala Circle. Mr.Raju Kannampuzha Secretary, Heart Care Foundation proposed the vote of thanks. The official function thus came to a close.


Thereafter the panel discussion for interaction with patients and families members commenced. Dr. Abdul Khader Cardiologist, Amala Hospital Thrissur was the Chairman of the panel; other panelists were Dr. Jo Joseph, Dr. Jeevesh John, Dr. Nisha Vincent and Mr. Felvin Mathew. The panel discussion was very lively with audience competing with each other for asking questions and getting their queries answered. Finally the discussion came to a close at 1.30 pm, with Mr. Dominic J Mechery, Executive Director- Heart Care Foundation presenting mementos to all panelists. This was followed by Snehavirunnu and with this curtains came down to Hrudayasangamam 2019. 

with Doctor

  • My mother is a heart patient .she is 64 years old .She is having Coronary infection and has to do angiogram ...

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