Brand Ambassadors

Won’t you help me make more hearts beat stronger?

S Sreesanth ,Cricketer

My heart beats for India. Every time I hold the ball in my hands. I feel the heart beats of every Indian, beating as one, for India. It is a great feeling.

When I headed about Heart Care Foundation, I learned how to make more heart beat, strongly for India. I even learned that I could help failing hearts, hail and healthy, beat strongly, all so easily, thanks to Heart Care Foundation.
I am so proud to be associated with Heart Care Foundation and it is an honor indeed, to be considered as its brand ambassador.
Every time I hold a ball in my hands, I want to hear more and more hearts beating, ever so strong as one, for India and for each of us. I will do everything in my power to make this noble venture, the huge success that it deserves to be.

Won’t you help me make more hearts beat stronger? Won’t you join me as a part of Heart Care Foundation?

with Doctor

  • My mother is a heart patient .she is 64 years old .She is having Coronary infection and has to do angiogram ...

Brand Ambassadors